Kamis, 08 Desember 2016

The Greatest Mousque Trans


The Greatest Mosque is the biggest mosque in Surabaya with modern and unique architecture style. It resides in south Surabaya region, precisely at Pagesangan street, and it close to turnpike Surabaya-Gempol. The strategic location makes easily accessible by visitors from various areas, outside Surabaya. This mosque is also known as The Great Surabaya Mosque or Masjid Agung Surabaya.

The Greatest Mosque Surabaya complex covers an 11, 2 hectares area, with its 28.509 square meters building. The unique point of the building lays in the unique dome design, like lamellar structure with combination of blue and green color. It has a main building and two direct entrances from other buildings to main building. It also has a tower equipped with a lift that opened for the public. From this tower, we can enjoy the view of beautiful Surabaya city, especially at nighttime. This mosque is opened on 10 November 2000 by president RI Abdul Rachman Wachid. A small market is held every Sunday morning around the mosque, which is quite crowded by visitors.

If you need The Greatest Mosque private transport, you can contact us here

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