Song White Water Rafting situated at the village of Ranu Gedang of Tiris, Probolinggo, East Java Indonesia. The river of Pekalen Atas is getting its adventurous stream from Mount Argopuro and also Mount Lamongan. Having its width ranges within 5m to 20m along with its depth of 1m to 3m, the river is a perfect spot to enjoy rafting activity with either friends or families.
Song White Water Rafting is a Great Choice for Natural Adventure. Indonesia is an archipelago in which there are thousands of islands in various sizes. Within those many islands can actually be found so many great spots of tourism. Those spots are not just attracting local visitors but some of them have been so popular within the eyes of foreign visitors or tourists. Back in the old days the news and updates regarding hidden paradises on earth within tropical countries like Indonesia are not that easy to be shared and accessed by many people like today.
Along with the advancement of technology today there are thousands of pictures regarding those hidden spots of paradise uploaded and posted by many people all over the world so that many others can get the updates and news. There are many types of the natural tourism spots that can be found in Indonesia. Those many types will surely fit the different needs and preferences of different people in searching for the perfect vacation spot for them.
If you need Songa White Water Rafting Transport, you can contact us here
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