Red Island Beach is one of the leading destinations in Banyuwangi that located in Sumberagung Village, Pesanggaran District, or 60 km from the city center towards the south of Banyuwangi, it takes 2.5 hours drive when reached by car. Before being named the red island beach, the beach is named Ringin Pitu. There are two reasons why this beach is known as the Red Beach, the first because of there was pink reddish soil at the beach, while the second version because it supposedly emitted red light around the shoreline.
With waves as high as 4 meters when the tide, and the waves as far as 3 km long, it makes the Red Sea as a destination for surfers. It has been proved by the International Surfing Championship Competition in 2013 and followed by surfers from 20 countries were opened by the minister of tourism
If you need Red Island Private Transport, you can contact us here
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